Morning Tea with Lucy Culliton

Lucy's own words:

" I have a good job. I need the money.I love rescuing abandoned animals so my dog food bills are huge"

" I paint faces too. But only of those I know and who I can feel. I could feel Ray Hughes stomach pushing onto his belt.I could feel his nostrils storming in his nose"

" I am a hoarder. Cannot throw anything out. I store objects by colour in different cabinets"

" I will do my animals next"

" I always have two pictures on the go. Paint one while other is drying"

" Love cow shirts. I painted my latest ones by taking these straight out of the closet. Some only took a day"

" I am Libran. Brought up in Hornsby"

" I always loved painting horses. Started in graphic design and fell into painting"

"In studio by 9 am every day"

"when doing a still life, I bring out my own objects. Place one at front,paint it then choose another object placed behind the first one. One by one I place and paint.All started by the tea cups left to me by my grandmothers"

"favourite colours are pink and green"

" the LUCKY bottle top and the LUCKY  beer bottle. It was a classic gift from one artist to another. A chinese beer"

" got up at 4.30 am to be here"

" hope you like the weeds I have painted from my garden


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