(BE. at PeaceBeFearlessBeProtectedBeStressfreeBeHugelySuccessful) Sudarshan Kavach Mahamantra in English

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My mother taught me to recite 17 times daily. If interrupted then 18 times

Sudarshan is Shri Krishna's most powerful and devoted helper. Kavach means armour. 

I am told that the sound structure of the Mantra attracts the merits

Vaishavana Hi Rakshath Shree Vallabh Nirupitah
Sudarshan MahaMantro Vaishvana Hita Vaha

Mantra Madye Nirupataye Chakrakar Chaelikyane
Uttara Garbeh Rakshay Parikshi Hiteh Rateh

Brahbhastra Varan Chaivateh Bhaktona BhayaBhanJanah
Vadanch Ch Dhustah Daityana Khand Khand Chakaryehtam

Vaishnavona Hitarthey Chakradhari Dharayateh Hari
Pitamber Parabrhabha Vanmali Gadahdhar

Kadapra Koti Lavanya Gopika Pran Vallabh
Shree Vallabh Krupanatho Girdhar Shatru Madrana

Davagni Dapra Hatarch Gopina Bhayah Nashanam
Gopala Gop Kanyabhi Samavruta Dhi Tishtteh

Vrajmandal Prakashich Kalinda Virhanal
Swarupananda Danarth TaapNotar Bhavan

Nikunj Vihar Bhavagneh Deh Hi Meh Nij Darshanam
Go-Gopika Shutra Kirano Vennu Vahdan Tatpara

Kamrupi Kala Vanch Kaminyan Kamdo Vibhu
Manmatho Mathuranatho Madhavo Makar Davaj

Shree Dharah Shree Karachaive Shree Nivas Santa Gati
Muktido Bhaktido Vishnu Bhudharo Bhoot Bhavan

Sarva Dukh Haroviro Dushtah Danaveh Nashak
Shree Narsiho MahaVishnu Mahadaitveh Vinashaneh

Chitanand Mayo Nitya Purnah Braha Bh Sanatana
Kotibhanu Prakashiyea Kothilila Prakashvan

Bhakti Priyashveh Padmah Netro Bhaktana VanchiChth Pradeh
Mukheh  Krushno Hraday Krushno Netre Krishnah  Shvah Karnayoh

Bhakti Priyashvah Shree Krishna Sarveh Krishnamaya Jagat
Kal Mrutyu Yamadutam Bhootprehtam Praduyateh

Pishachaneh Rakshashsan Shreveh Hadi Rogashve Daruran
Bhucharan Khecharan Sarvah Dakini Shakini Tatha

Natakam Chetakam Cheaivah Chalah Chidranan Dashyateh
Akaleh Maranam Tasyah Shok Dosho Nuh Labhyateh

Sarvah Vidan Kshaeiyeh Yanti Rakshameh Gopika Priyeh
Bhayan Davagni Chorana Vigraheh Rajyeh Sankateh

Vyal Vyadh Mahashatru Vairi Bandhan Labhyateh
Aadhi Vyadhi Harshvevah Graha Pida Vinashneh

Sangrameh Jai Datah Tasmat Dayayeh Dev Sudarshana
Sashtdasha Ume Shloka Mantra Madyachae Likyateh

Vaishnavana Mindah Mantra Anyobhon Diyateh
Vansh Vruudhi Bhavaneh Tasyah Shrotach Fhalamapunyat

Sudarshan Mahamantro Labhyateh Jai Mangalam
Eeti Shree Vallabhacharya Virchith Sudarshan Mahamantramah

You are with Peace 


  1. and spoken version available from many sources on you tube

  2. This is really good... Is there any chance you could make it available in Devanagari script? It's difficult to read and make out correct pronunciations in English..

    1. Thks for your comments. I will explore this and do it soon. Best wishes

    2. As the mantra is available in various Indian languages on the net, I will not be putting a devangari script here. My post for those who cannot read or even understand any Indian languages.

  3. Thanks for posting it. I believe there is more in the mantra. This looks like it was short.

    1. Thanks for the kind note...this is the "pushti marg" version

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. Can u provide the explanation of meaning of the Sudarshan Kavach in English language?

    1. Thks for your note.Please look at revised introduction.

  6. Thanks for posting...I think these are the few lines of the beginning...Will appreciate complete version for readers...Many thanks


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