A New Mother Teresa Madame Curie maybe

( Art in Video by Famous South Australian Hossein Vallamanesh- lived in the Adelaide Hills )

(Song by me) 

Full Song at 


Page down for Inspiration History


Mega mega mega

Red lamp lit

Hero hero heroic

Orange light dazzling

Giant giant gigantic

Yellow candlelight soothing

I see trees of green

Red roses too

I see them bloom

For me you

And I think to myself

What a wonderful world

our gorgeous lovely delightful miracle baby, yet to be named 

yet to be born

you are mega mega mega

sing Sidney Susan Iris, David Thomas Hannah

you are mega mega mega for the world

A Moana beach child of stillness

with a connection to warm red

Mega mega mega 

Mega mega mega

I see trees of green

Red roses too

I see them bloom

For me you

And I think to myself

What a wonderful world

my gorgeous lovely delightful miracle baby, yet to be named 

yet to be born

you are mega mega mega

you are mega mega mega for the world a new Teresa Curie maybe

we grew with the networking colour orange

Yellow Hugs

and Green

are our favourite colours! Sparkling nature

I see trees of green

Red roses too

I see them bloom

For me you

And I think to myself

What a wonderful world

my gorgeous lovely delightful miracle baby, yet to be named 

yet to be born

you are mega mega mega

you are mega mega mega for the world may be a new Teresa Curie

Lovely light blue mega

indigo blue delightful huge

first-class navy blue giant

pink first-rate gigantic

super purple mega

gold great huge

amazing white massive

black fantastic mega

terrific tremendous white gold

purple sensational mega

incredible gold navy blue

heavenly gorgeous indigo blue massive

The light blue awaits you Ocean

The sky, indigo blue, has no limits

un Navy Blue...casual

with fun pink other angels

historical gold ness

white boldness

un black clarity

I see trees of green

Red roses too

I see them bloom

For me you

And I think to myself

What a wonderful world

Mega mega mega maybe a new Teresa Curie

my gorgeous lovely delightful miracle baby, yet to be named 

yet to be born

you are mega mega mega

you are mega mega mega for the world may be a new Teresa Curie

you are mega mega mega for the world may be a new Teresa Curie

 I see trees of green

Red roses too

I see them bloom

For me you

And I think to myself

What a wonderful world

Mega mega mega

Gold lamp lit

Hero hero heroic

White light dazzling

Giant giant gigantic

Black candle light soothing

Mega mega mega maybe a new Teresa Curie

Emily's Inspiring Story

She froze her eggs aged 30...Now ten years later knowing that her body may get weaker she has decided to have a baby. The sperm donor is an American whose whole history has been checked out. He is a help to Emily. In the future Emily, having paid attention to her biology, I know will create a unique modern family with many openings to many.

1 Names of both your parents – Susan and David

2 Names of significant relatives – Parents as above, Hannah (sister), and Thomas (brother)

3 Names of Grandnephews nieces etc – Iris (niece) and Sidney (nephew)

4 One word which appeals to you.eg "beauty" – “Connection”

5 A piece of music/song which is a fav of both – “What a Wonderful World” Louis Armstrong

There is a lot of information I can collect from your presence on the internet. I am a bit

obsessed by colour and the questions below help me. A recent answer to yellow by an

interview was "pollen"

One or two word answers will be good. Don't spend too much time thinking. First word which

comes to mind will be great


What does the colour RED mean to you?

Passion, Love, and Warmth


Fire, warmth, roses

What does colour ORANGE mean to you?

Growth, Trust, Heat, and Happiness


Sunsets, Tropical, Summer


Hugs, Comfort, Connection, and Peace


The Sun, Warmth, Sunflowers


My favourite colour!

Nature, Plants, Growth, Calmness, and Tranquillity


New life, beginnings and nature

Light Blue

Stillness, Quiet, Serenity, Relaxation and the Ocean


Childhood, visiting the beach (Moana Beach in South Australia),

Indigo blue

The sky, no limits, open to the world/opportunities.


A sense of possibilities, open space, the wonder of what if?

Navy Blue

Structure, Organisation, and Routines.


Formalities, Uniforms, and Order.


Childhood, Freedom, Opportunity, Chances, and Fun!


Happiness, Warmth, Children, not taking things too seriously!


Royalty, Uniqueness, Wealth, and Power


Expensive, Money, Antiques, and the Past/History.


Space, Openness, Possibility, and the Unknown


The clouds in the sky, the stars, space (the sky).


Boldness, Strength, Clarity, and Direction


Rigid, final, clear and demanding.


  1. There is a lot of information I can tania shipul digital marketer
    collect from your presence on the internet. I am a bit

    obsessed by colour and the questions below help me. A recent answer to yellow by a


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